Lovely Links: The Gender Gap

This week we have links that are all about “the gender gap.”  Whether it’s electoral politics, professional salaries, or conduct in the classroom, these articles take note of a distinct separation– a gulf, even?– between men and women.

*Women, men, and the 2012 election

*Is feminism creating a harmful classroom environment for young boys?

*Girl brain: Venus.  Boy brain: Mars.

*Differences between men and women in university classes

*The vicious cycle of the gender pay gap

*The global gender gap is closing, but the US lags behind other countries

*David Brooks thinks only girls like books about feelings

*Scholarly publishing and the gender gap

*Has the struggle for women’s equality made the gender gap worse?

What are your thoughts on a “gap” between the genders?  Is the concept really just unhelpful essentializing?  Is there (still, really, actually, etc?) a gulf between the behaviors, experiences, and opportunities of men and women?  Tell us what you think!

Have an article you want to share?  Email us ( or add it in the comments!

Lovely Links: The Curious Case of the Baby Palins

Welcome to Lovely Links!  Each Monday we’ll post a selection of relevant, inspiring, infuriating, or just hilarious links to add to all the reading you’re already doing.  This week you’ll find pieces from The Atlantic Monthly, Elle Magazine, and possibly the best ever tumblr blog.  Enjoy!

*The phenomenon of “mansplaining”

*Mansplaining: from the front lines of academia

*Commentary on the myth of male decline

*Why women still can’t have it all…or can we?

*When perfection isn’t perfect enough

*The curious case of the Baby Palins

*Deep thoughts (and data!) on emotion in the workplace

Have an article you want to share?  Email us ( or add it in the comments!

Humanities Festival Talk by Professor Catherine Brekus

As part of the Chicago Humanities Festival, Divinity School faculty member Catherine Brekus will present a talk entitled “Women and the Word in Early America.”  The talk will focus on Brekus’s recent work on the varied methods and lives of female preachers in early American Christianity.

The talk is scheduled for Sunday, October 21st, from 1:30-3pm in the Logan Arts Center Penthouse.  Please see the Chicago Humanities Festival website for more information.

Welcome to The Official Blog of the University of Chicago Divinity School Women’s Caucus!

Dear People of the Internet,

It’s official: the Div School Women’s Caucus has a blog.  If you’ve been dying to know what the Caucus is all about, what we do on any given day of the week, or how you can get involved, your day has come.  We’ll share all that info here, as well as suggestions for relevant reading and events.  Please check out our “Who Are We?” page for more information, and stay tuned for future posts.

If you’re so inclined, please share with us any news or suggestions you may have in the comments or email us at

Thank you and welcome!

-The Div School Women’s Caucus